IB “Symbol of Heart”

The religious Egyptian Symbol of the Heart (IB) can be seen as the Key to entering the afterlife as it was a vital part of the judicial process in front of Osiris in the hall of Truth through the weighing of the heart ceremony where the heart was examined by Anubis then put on a scale against the feather of maat to ensure the owner of the heart has been able to find balance throughout his or her life. It was seen as the metaphysical embodiment of memory, intellect, and wisdom plus emotions like love, bravery, and sadness. It was placed and stored in the mummified body and secured with the heart of a scarab to prevent the heart from telling any tales. Note: The Symbol of the IB is a symbol of the physical heart that was needed to perform and finalize the fate of each human. It is a symbol of intelligence, thought, memory, wisdom, sadness, bravery, and love.

IB "Symbol of Heart"
IB “Symbol of Heart”

Another important part of the Descendants of Isis, since Natara’s gifts involve reading and even seeing inside a person’s heart. In ancient Egyptian beliefs, the ib is formed from a single drop of clotted blood extracted from the mother’s heart at the hour of conception or birth. The image of the heart looks like a vase with handles. A fair representation of a section of a sheep’s heart, with the handles corresponding with the veins and arteries. To the ancient Egyptians, the ib was more than an origin that pumped blood throughout the body. It was the seat of the soul and the center of emotion, intelligence, and moral sense. It was also what gave a person’s life direction. When the heart tired out, the body died, and the ib became the record of the person’s mortal past. This record was weighed against the feather of Ma ‘at, which determined the soul’s fate. This organ was so important that, during embalming, the Egyptian priests would leave the heart inside the body rather than remove it with the other internal organs. And to protect the ib as well as prevent it from speaking against its owner, they would place a scarab amulet into the mummy’s bindings, right above the heart. On the bottom side of this amulet was the inscription of Spell 30 from the Book of the Dead.