Category: Egypt, Travel Tips & Guides

The Pyramidsof Giza is a miracle in the history of human architecture. It is generally believed that the pyramid is the tomb of the ancient Egyptian emperor, but it is completely different from the dazzling gold in the tomb of Tutankhamun. King’s Chamber and granite sarcophagus inside the Pyramid of Giza are waiting for your exploration. The super difficulty of architecture, coupled with the “coincidence” of various numbers makes it full of mystery. Visitors here are to appreciate its grandeur. As for puzzles, leave them to specialists and scholars. If you want to go inside the Pyramids of Giza, let’s learn about the following things.


Can visitors go inside the Pyramid of Giza?

Yes. Among the Egyptian Pyramids of Giza, the Pyramid of Khufu allow tourists to visit the inside, and the only passageway is from the Grand Gallery to the King’s Chamber.


Does it cost extra to go inside the Pyramid of Giza?

Yes. The ticket to go inside the pyramid is not included in the ticket of the Giza Scenic Area, so you should purchase the inside ticket separately at a price of 440 EGP (about $24).

What’s inside of the Pyramid of Giza?

The entrance to the pyramid has become larger by excavation, and cement steps and iron guardrails have been set up. Going inside the ascending passage becomes narrower and narrower, even many segments are less than 1.5 meters in height and width. In order to facilitate the passage of tourists, non-slip wooden boards, handrails, lighting lamps have been laid in the passage. In such a deep and narrow tunnel, visitors need to bend over and climb up all the time. Although it is a test for physical strength, but meanwhile you can realize the difficulty to construct such a hulking pyramid, making you marvel at the wisdom and superb technique of the ancient Egyptians.

About 20 minutes ahead of the passage, you can reach the permissible endpoint, that is, the King’s Chamber. The last segment is the narrowest and lowest section of the passage, with a height and width of less than 1.2 meters, but the four sides are extremely smooth. The size of the passage may be designed according to the size of the sarcophagus. It is said that the King’s Chamber is located in the center of the Pyramid of Khufu, in which an empty sarcophagus is waiting to be unraveled the mystery. The joints of the wall, ground, and top were matched exactly, which does not look like an architecture built by the ancients more than 4,000 years ago, but built by modern people with various machines.

The Pyramid of Khufu is the tallest and largest one in Egypt, equivalent to the height of 40 floors. Therefore, many people imagine that the inside pyramid must be very spacious, but that is not the case. The pyramid is a piece of similar-size stone piled. For stability, it is obviously difficult to leave too much space inside. At least for now, the inside is not spacious.

What can you see in Giza Scenic Area at night?

There is a light show in the Giza Scenic Area at night, which is a wonderful program that cannot be missed. With rocks as the curtain, the lights tell the ancient legends of Egypt. The images on the rock curtain include statue of God, murals, portraits of pharaohs and their wives, just like real people come in sight. With three pyramids in the distance as the background, the Sphinx is sometimes bright and sometimes dark under the flowing lights and changed colors.

Time: 20:30, 21:30, 22:30 in summer; 18:30, 19:30, 20:30 in winter



Guides for visiting the pyramid both outside and inside

1. Open time: Annual 8:00-16:00

2. Ticket:

Outside: 240 EGP for adults (about $13);
Inside: 440 EGP for adults (about $24, as mentioned above).

3. Hotel:

There are many hotels to choose from near the pyramids, from budget to luxury. If you want to see the pyramids closely indoors, we can arrange a suitable hotel for you (such as the Marriott Mena House Hotel), from which you can directly enjoy the magnificent pyramids at windowsill or balcony, and appreciate an extremely spectacular sunset. Incredibly, you will find that the sun sets at the back center of the pyramid. In addition to the super sunset, you can also watch the light show in the evening for free (of course, it won’t be the same as the scene you spend money to watch).

4. The best time to visit:

Cairo has only two seasons: summer and autumn, and autumn is the best season for an Egypt trip. Cairo’s autumn begins in October, so the best time to visit Cairo is from October to April of the next year, during which the temperature is the most pleasant, making exploring the busy streets of Cairo, visiting the Pyramids in the desert, and exploring ancient Pharaonic tombs more comfortable and enjoyable. The summer in Cairo is hot and dry, and traveling outside may be grueling, but the high temperatures are alleviated by air conditioning, far fewer visitors, and lower prices, that is to say, summer is also a feasible season for your trip. Because of the large temperature difference between day and night in the desert, it is necessary to prepare both summer clothes and autumn clothes for your trip. November to February of the next year is the peak tourist season, so you’d better book a hotel and plan your trip in advance.

5. Notices:

It is not allowed to take pictures during an inside visit, and the camera must be kept by the staff at the entrance.

It is not allowed to wear inappropriate clothing to go inside the pyramid, such as slippers, shorts, skirts, sleeveless blouses, etc.

Micro cameras are installed inside the pyramid, and graffito or damage is prohibited.

The passage inside the pyramid is narrow and steep, with poorly ventilated, hot, and humid air, so the indisposed tourists are recommended to take their health as a priority when entering the inside the pyramid.

The sun is scorching during the day. It is recommended to wear long-sleeved trousers and breathable and wind-proof clothes, and use sunscreen with high SPF.

Please resolutely say “NO” to the peddlers who use various tricks to sell goods at high prices, if you don’t need to buy.

The locals may ask you to ride a camel or take group photos for any reason in the scenic area, all of which are charged.

Interesting facts of the pyramids

1. The reason that the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids

The ancient Egyptians’ devout belief in God made them form a deep-rooted “afterlife concept”. They even believed that “life is just a short stay, and it is permanent enjoyment after death”. Therefore, the Egyptians regarded the heavenly life as the continuation of earthly life. Influenced by this concept, the ancient Egyptians prepared for the afterlife sincerely when they lived. Pharaohs wantonly built tombs for themselves when they lived, setting off a wind of building pyramids in ancient Egypt. Therefore, the ancient kingdom of Egypt is also known as the Pyramid Age.

2. All Egyptian pyramids were built on the West Bank of the Nile

All the pyramids in ancient Egypt were built on the West Bank of the Nile, which has something to do with the ancient Egyptians’ view of life and death. The West Bank of the Nile is where the sun sets, representing the end of earthly life and the start of heavenly life.

3. The Pyramids of Giza is in the urban area of Cairo

In many tourist photos, the three pyramids of Giza are always located on the skyline of the desert, showing the mysterious style of ancient Egypt. So many people mistakenly believe that the three pyramids are in the middle of the desert, far away from the city. But in fact, they are right in front of Cairo’s bustling urban area, facing busy traffic.

4. The Great Pyramid of Giza was once the tallest architecture in the world

The Pyramid of Khufu is the largest pyramid in Egypt, with an original height of 146.5 meters and a current height of 138.8 meters. It was once the tallest man-made architecture in the world. This record had been maintained for 3,871 years, and it was not until the completion of Lincoln Cathedral in Britain that it broke this record.

5. Source of the stones for building pyramids

The stones for building pyramids came from three places in Egypt. The stones used in the inside pyramid are collected from the sandstone in the desert near Giza; the limestones used in the outer frame are transported from the east bank of the Nile River; the granites used in the Grand Gallery and tombs came from Aswan 960 kilometers away. Every year when the Nile flooded, a huge flat-bottomed barge carrying stones would drift down the upstream of the Nile.

6. Special mortar helped the pyramids survive

There is an Arab proverb, which means “Man fears time, time fears the pyramids”. Part of the reason the pyramids survived was the use of mortar. The analysis shows that a lot of strong mortar can be used to fix the stone in place. It is estimated that about 500,000 tons of mortar were used in the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza alone.

7. The pyramids were not built by slaves

It is a big misunderstanding that the pyramids were built by slaves. Modern archaeologists found the work records when studying the stone tablet hieroglyphs, and found the contracts engraved with the guarantee for food in the tomb, all of which can prove the existence of employment relations. According to the research, the Great Pyramid of Giza was built by 5,000 permanent employees and 20,000 casual workers. Many of the workers who died during the construction of the pyramids were buried in cemeteries near the pyramids.

8. The “Khufu ship” demonstrated the superior technology of ancient Egyptians

The most famous intact ancient Egyptian ship is the 44-meter long “Khufu ship”, found in the Great Pyramid of Giza. It can be seen that the ancient Egyptians had mastered shipbuilding technology thousands of years ago. They sailed on the Nile and took boats for maritime trade with neighboring countries. The earliest boat was a wooden boat, but later it developed into a unique barge and transport ship. The ancient Egyptians skillfully used wooden nails and tenon for connection, which showed their mastery of carpentry.

9. Not all the dead were mummified

Archaeologists pointed out that mummifying the dead in ancient Egypt required a long, difficult and expensive process. Generally speaking, only the privileged class could afford it. Most dead were just buried in the desert. Interestingly, the hot and dry desert is more antiseptic than the sarcophagus in the tomb.

10. Egypt is not the only country with pyramids

About 140 pyramids have been found in the ancient Egyptian areas, of which the three pyramids in Giza are the most famous. However, there are pyramids in many parts of the world. Egypt is not the country with the largest number of pyramids. In the desert more than 240 kilometers away from Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, there is a pyramid complex with 220 pyramids, which is more than the number of pyramids in Egypt.

For anyone who is willing to explore more of the Egyptian pyramids, going inside the Great Pyramid of Giza is no doubt an essential experience. With a tailor-made trip, you can enjoy the journey at your own pace as everything is well taken care of.