Ahmose-Henuttamehu Mummy

Ahmose-Henuttamehu was an Egyptian princess who lived during the New Kingdom period, specifically during the 17th dynasty. She was the daughter of Pharaoh Seqenenre Tao and Queen Ahmose-Inhapy, and the sister of Pharaoh Kamose and Pharaoh Ahmose. Ahmose-Henuttamehu was a very important figure in Egyptian history and everyone respected her and revered during her time. She held the title of “Royal Daughter” and “God’s Wife of Amun”, which made her the highest-ranking priestess in the cult of Amun.


Scientists who carried out CT scans on Ahmose-Henuttamehu’s mummy discovered that there were signs of post-mortem interventional operations. Her organs, except for her heart, had been carefully removed and preserved in canopic jars, a common practice in ancient Egypt. However, upon close examination, they discovered the organs had been put back clumsily and incorrectly, indicating that a later individual had attempted to reposition them back inside the body. This raised questions about the motive for this intervention and the identity of the person(s) responsible.

After her death

Her body was preserved according to ancient Egyptian mummification practices. In 1881, the tomb of Ahmose-Henuttamehu was up to light by Gaston Maspero, a French egyptologist. The tomb was there to contain a large number of artifacts. Including numerous statues of the princess, amulets, jewelry, and a gold mask. In addition to the discovery of her tomb, Ahmose-Henuttamehu’s mummy was also studied by modern scientists. Radiographic examinations of the mummy revealed that she was approximately 50 years old at the time of her death. And that she suffered from various health problems, including dental caries and arthritis.


Ahmose-Henuttamehu was an important historical figure, both in life and in death. Her role as a high priestess in the cult of Amun and her position as a member of the royal family solidified her standing as one of the most powerful women in ancient Egypt. And her mummy serves as a valuable artifact for scientists and historians studying the culture . And practices of the Egyptian people during the New Kingdom period.