
In fact,Amenemhat III was the fourth pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty of Egypt, ruling from around 1860 to 1814 BC. He was the son of Senusret III and Queen Tetisheri.

During his reign, well he expanded Egypt’s territory in the Levant and Nubia. Establishing a new administrative system in these regions. He also undertook a large building program, including the construction of the Fayyum branch of the ancient Egyptian canal system, the completion of the Third Dynasty pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, and the construction of a temple complex at Dahshur.

Amenemhat III is famous for his numerous statues and inscriptions. Which depict him wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt and the red crown of Lower Egypt. He is also depicted holding a staff, a symbol of his authority as pharaoh.


One of Amenemhat III’s most significant achievements was his peaceful relations with the neighboring kingdoms of Syria and Canaan. He made a number of diplomatic marriages with rulers from these regions. Which helped to maintain stability and prosperity in the region.

Overall, he was a successful pharaoh who left a lasting legacy in the form of his numerous architectural and cultural achievements. He was succeeded by his son Amenemhat IV, who continued his policies of expansion and development.

Pectoral of Amenemhat III from the tomb of Mereret, one of his sisters