Ancient Egyptian Calendar by Stars

The Ancient Egyptian calendar is one of the oldest calendars in history. It was created by the Ancient Egyptians around 5000 years ago. It is also one of the most complicated and accurate calendars in history. The Ancient Egyptians used the stars to develop their calendar. It was based on the cycle of the rising and setting of the star Sirius.

One of the most interesting features of the Egyptian calendar

was its division into three seasons, each one containing four months. The three seasons were not based on the weather or temperature but were related to the Nile River’s behavior as it flowed through Egypt. The seasons were Akhet, Peret, and Shemu, and each one represented different agricultural activities.

The Akhet season was also famous as the inundation season. It was the time when the Nile River flooded and brought the fertile soil for planting crops. The Peret season, also famous as the growing season, was when the crops were grown, and the farmers waited for the harvest. The Shemu season, also famous as the harvest season, was when the crops were harvested, and the grain was stored.

Usage & importance

The Ancient Egyptians used a system of intercalation to keep their calendar accurate. The Julian calendar, which is still in use today, is based on 365.25 days in a year. However, the Ancient Egyptian calendar was based on 365 days. Which meant that it was off by approximately one day every four years. To keep the calendar accurate, the Egyptians added an extra month at the end of every four years.

The Ancient Egyptians also believed that the stars played an essential role in their calendar. The star Sirius, also known as Sopdet, was particularly important. The rising of Sirius in the morning sky marked the beginning of the new year and the start of the Akhet season. Sopdet was associated with the goddess Isis and was thought to have brought fertility and new life to the land.

In conclusion

the Ancient Egyptian calendar was a complicated and accurate way of measuring time, based on the cycle of the stars. The use of the stars, especially Sirius, played a significant role in the development of this calendar and helped the Ancient Egyptians to understand the natural cycles of the world around them. The calendar’s accurate intercalation system contributed to the Ancient Egyptian success in agriculture and established the foundation for later calendars.