Ancient Egyptian Meals

Ancient Egyptian meals typically consisted of bread, vegetables, and beer. Meat, such as pork and beef, was also available but was a luxury for the wealthy. In addition to the basic staples of bread, vegetables, and beer, Ancient Egyptian meals also included a variety of spices and herbs to add flavor to their dishes. Some common herbs and spices used in ancient Egyptian cuisine included coriander, cumin, sesame, and garlic.


Was usually a simple meal of bread, fruit, and beer. Lunch was the main meal of the day and consisted of more substantial dishes such as legumes, lentils, and vegetables. Meat was occasionally included but was more commonly served on special occasions. Dinner was a lighter meal and often consisted of leftovers from lunch.


It was also a common food source, especially for people living near the Nile River. They cooked fish over an open flame or roasted. Another popular dish among the wealthier Egyptians was roasted goose.

Ancient Egyptians also enjoyed sweets such as honey cakes and pastries made with dates and nuts. Beverages such as beer, wine, and fruit juices were popular and were often in large quantities, even by children.

The ancient Egyptians were skilled farmers and cultivated a wide range of crops. Including beans, onions, leeks, lettuce, and radishes. They also grew melons, grapes, and pomegranates for fruits.  Large families or groups of friends would gather together to share a communal meal. They ate food with the fingers or with flatbread as a utensil.

Overall, Ancient Egyptian meals were simple and nutritious, focused on locally-produced ingredients, and often featured a variety of flavors and spices.