Avaris City ancient Egypt

Avaris City was one of the most significant ancient Egyptian cities during the Second Intermediate Period. Between the 17th and 16th centuries BCE. The city was in the Nile Delta, near the modern-day city of Tell el-Dab’a. Served as the capital of the Hyksos, a group of foreign rulers who invaded and conquered Lower Egypt. The Hyksos established their rule over Egypt around 1650 BCE. Avaris City became the center of their power. They transformed the city into a thriving metropolis, with palaces, temples. Other monumental structures that reflected their culture and traditions.

One of the most remarkable features of Avaris City was its Hyksos palace, which was one of the largest and most impressive buildings of its kind in ancient Egypt. The palace complex covered an area of more than five hectares and consisted of numerous buildings, courtyards, and gardens. The Hyksos also constructed a series of defensive walls and towers around Avaris City, which protected the city from potential attacks. These walls had a significant impact on the city’s urban layout, dividing it into different districts and neighborhoods. Avaris City was also an important religious center, and the Hyksos built several temples dedicated to their gods and goddesses, such as Set and Baal.

Despite its impressive monuments and buildings

Avaris City’s rule by the Hyksos was eventually challenged by a native Egyptian dynasty, the New Kingdom. In 1550 BCE, the New Kingdom king Ahmose I launched a successful campaign to drive out the Hyksos and reunify Egypt under his rule. Although Avaris City was largely abandoned after the fall of the Hyksos, it continued to be an important archaeological site. Many of its monuments and structures were excavated by famous archaeologists such as Flinders Petrie and Manfred Bietak. Revealing insights into the culture and history of the Hyksos and ancient Egypt.