Healing in Ancient Egypt

Healing played an important role in Ancient Egyptian culture and was closely linked with religion. The Ancient Egyptians practiced a form of medical specialization, with physicians specializing in specific fields such as dentistry, ophthalmology, and obstetrics. They used various instruments for medical procedures, such as scalpels, forceps, and surgical needles made of bronze and copper.

The Egyptian god of healing

Imhotep, was also known as a physician and architect. He was considered the patron deity of doctors and healers. There were also other gods and goddesses associated with healing, such as Thoth, Horus, Isis, and Hathor.


The Ancient Egyptians used a variety of natural remedies and techniques to treat illnesses and injuries. Some of these included herbal medicines, massages, and the use of hot and cold compresses. They also practiced surgical techniques, such as amputations, trepanation (removal of a piece of skull bone), and mummification (preservation of the body after death). The Egyptians believed that preventative medicine was the best way to stay healthy, and they had strict hygiene practices.

They bathed regularly, used perfumes, and wore clean clothes. They also believed that maintaining a balance between the body, mind, and spirit was essential for good health. In addition to the use of natural remedies, the Ancient Egyptians also developed a sophisticated medical system that included the use of diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. They had specific medical texts, such as the Ebers Papyrus and the Edwin Smith Papyrus, that documented their medical knowledge and practices.


healing was a crucial aspect of Ancient Egyptian culture. Their medical knowledge and practices have had a significant impact on modern medicine.

Healing in Ancient Egypt
Healing in Ancient Egypt