Revolutionary Command Center Museum

The Revolutionary Command Center Museum, also known as Qasr el Qubba Palace, is one of the most prominent museums in Cairo, Egypt, with a rich history dating back to the 19th century. Located in the Qasr el Qubba neighborhood, the museum holds significant importance for the Egyptians, as it served as the headquarters of the Armed Forces during the 1952 Revolution that brought about the end of the monarchy rule and established a republic in Egypt.

The museum comprises of two parts, the first part of the museum serves as a memorial to the late President Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat, who was assassinated in October 1981. The display in this part of the museum is dedicated to El-Sadat’s life, his contribution to the country’s independence, and his efforts towards peace with Israel. Visitors are treated to a collection of personal belongings, photographs, chambers, and the garden where he was assassinated.

The second part of the museum showcases the headquarters of the army during the 1952 Revolution that led to the end of the monarchy rule. The building served as the central command center for the revolutionaries. Visitors may see the famous balcony where Gamal Abdel Nasser, the leader of the revolution, delivered his victory speech on July 23, 1952. The balcony overlooks Cairo, and the museum provides an in-depth understanding of the revolution, its causes, its leaders and the events that took place during this period. Apart from the museum’s primary exhibitions, there are several rooms showcasing Egypt’s history, including the country’s kings and the Ottoman Empire’s rulers, as well as a collection of paintings, tapestries, and furniture, which were once owned by the royal family.


The Revolutionary Command Center Museum, also known as Qasr el Qubba Palace, provides an informative and immersive experience for visitors, highlighting Egypt’s rich history, its fight for independence, and the Republic’s establishment. Visitors can explore and gain an insight into the events that shaped modern-day Egypt in a visit to the museum.