
Wadi El Natrun is a desert valley located in the northern part of Egypt. It is famous for its hot springs and monasteries, which are located on the valley’s eastern side.

The hot springs in Wadi El Natrun are believed to have healing properties and have been used for centuries by Egyptians and visitors to the area. The water from the springs is collected in a series of pools and baths, which are used for bathing and other therapeutic purposes.

Monastery of the Syriacs in Wadi el Natrun

Monastery of the Syriacs in Wadi el Natrun


Wadi al-Natrun is the common name for a desert valley located west of the Nile Delta. Along the El Tahrir markaz, which is about 10 km west of the entrance to Sadat City on the Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, and about 50 km from Khattabah on the Nile (Rashid Branch), and it falls below the level of the plateau surface surrounding it about 50 meters. The length of this depression ranges between 5, 55 and 60 km. While its average width is 10 km, and its deepest point reaches 24 meters below sea level.

The depression is the smallest depression in the Egyptian Western Desert, with an area of about 500 km2. Therefore, it is true that it is a depression and not a valley. Because the region is a closed depression that has a beginning and an end, and it has no source. Estuary or tributaries, so the launch of the word “Wadi” on the depression is not topographically correct.

The monasteries in Wadi El Natrun are some of the oldest and most important in Egypt. Christian monks founded them in the 4th century and have played a significant role in the country’s religious and cultural history. The monasteries are famous for their beautiful architecture, stunning frescoes, and rich history.


Overall, Wadi El Natrun is a unique and stunning destination that is home to a variety of natural and cultural wonders. Its hot springs, monasteries, and rich history and culture make it a must-see destination for anyone visiting Egypt.