White Pyramid

The White Pyramid, also known as the Fourth Pyramid, is one of the lesser-known pyramids located in the Dahshur necropolis in Egypt. It stands at approximately 66 meters tall and is made of limestone blocks that were likely taken from nearby quarries. The White Pyramid is believed to have been built during the Old Kingdom period, roughly around 2350 BC, during the reign of Pharaoh Sneferu, who was also responsible for constructing the nearby Bent Pyramid and Red Pyramid.

The White Pyramid’s name comes from the white limestone used in its construction, which gives it a distinctive appearance in comparison to the other pyramids in the area. However, despite its notable appearance, the White Pyramid has largely been overlooked by historians and tourists alike in favor of the more well-known and better-preserved pyramids at Giza. What sets the White Pyramid apart from its neighboring pyramids is its unique construction. Instead of the traditional smooth slopes that are seen on other pyramids, the White Pyramid’s sides show signs of a series of steps and recesses. This suggests that the builders might have intentionally altered the pyramid’s design mid-construction in order to reduce its weight or make it more stable.

Another curious aspect of the White Pyramid is its internal chambers. Although the pyramid’s outer structure is largely intact, it is unknown whether the pyramid was ever used for its intended purpose as a tomb, as the internal passages and chambers are partially collapsed and difficult to access. Some historians and archaeologists have speculated that the pyramid may have been used for another purpose entirely, such as a royal residence or observatory.


Despite its mysterious history, the White Pyramid remains an intriguing example of ancient Egyptian architecture and engineering, and ongoing excavations and research are expected to reveal new insights into its true purpose and construction. While it may not have the grandeur or fame of the Great Pyramids at Giza, the White Pyramid is a fascinating piece of ancient history that deserves more attention and study.