Site Analysis

The area of Ain al-Sira chosen as the site for the model Egyptian
school despite it being a unique area. The philosophy behind this is that
the model school should be designed in such a way that it would not
become the blueprint for all schools but rather it becoming a guide on
how to design schools according to the context of each area. In other
words it would be a way of dealing with parameters as these vary from
area to area.
The plots provided for the project at Ain al-Sira each have their own
advantages and disadvantages, even though one will be selected the
others will be used as aid on how to ensure that the school is designed as
a methodology rather than a product by comparing how certain design
elements would or wouldn’t be different if it had placed on one of
the other sites. For this purpose, more than one plot will be thoroughly

Ain al-Sira, the Lake

Ain al-Sira categorised as a well (EL-Jakee, Moussa, Mohamed, &
Mohamed, 2009), it’s water rich in minerals and sulphates (Ahmed,
2013). People would bathe in the lake for its healing properties. During
Nasser’s rule the lake came mixed with sewage water(Ahmed,
2013), the situation has not improved since then as the existing high
water table contains sewage. Levels of coliforms, a bacteria present in
fecal matter used as an indicator for its source, found at Ain al-Sira were
as high as the levels found in New Cairo’s untreated sewage (EL-Jakee et
al., 2009).The well/spring which first fed the lake is a renewable source of
water; if treated or extracted from the source the water, People can use.

The lake surrounded by towering cliffs and rocky outcroppings, giving it a mysterious and otherworldly appearance. The water in the lake is crystal clear, and the surrounding vegetation is lush and green, providing a stark contrast to the surrounding desert. The lake is home to a variety of aquatic life, including fish, frogs, and other amphibians, as well as a variety of bird species that make their home in the surrounding area. Whether you’re a nature lover or simply looking for a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Ain al-Sira is definitely worth a visit.