brief about the temple
The Luxor Temple (Arabic: معبد الأقصر) is a large Ancient Egyptian temple complex. located on the east bank of the Nile River. The ancient Egyptians constructed the temple approximately 1400 BCE. It was one of the two primary temples on the east bank, the other being Karnak . Unlike the other temples in Thebes, Luxor temple is not dedicated to a cult god or a deified version of the pharaoh in death. Instead, ancient Egyptians dedicated it to the rejuvenation of kingship.
the construction of the temple
The Ancient Egyptians used sandstone from the Gebel el Silsila area, which is located in South-Western Egypt. This sandstone belongs to Nuba sandstone. It was used for the construction of monuments in Upper Egypt as well as in the course of past and current restoration works.
inside the temple
Containing ten sections, Luxor Temple is massive. The entrance alone is over two hundred feet (sixty-one meters) wide! It includes:
the Avenue of the Sphinxes
First Pylon, Roman Camp
Mosque, Court of Ramses II
Chapel of Mut
Court of Amenhotep III
Chapel of Khonsu
Chapel of Amun
the Birth Chamber.
At the southward end of the mount. Due to this, centuries of rubble had accumulated, to the point where there was an artificial hill some 14.5 to 15 metres in height.The Luxor Temple had begun to be excavated by Professor Gaston Maspero after 1884, once he had been given permission to commence operations. The excavations were sporadic until 1960. Over time, accumulated rubbish of the ages had buried three quarters of it. which contained the courts and colonnades. which formed the nucleus of the Arab half of the modern village. Maspero had taken an interest earlier and he had obtained the post of Mariette Pasha to complete the job in 1881. Maspero received from the Egyptian minister of public works the authorization needed to obtain funds in order to negotiate compensation for the pieces of land covered by the houses and dependencies.
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