Pentawer Mummy

A Royal Mystery the Pentawer Mummy is one of the most intriguing mummies discovered in recent times. This ancient Egyptian mummy, thought to be over 3,000 years old, was there in 1881 in the Valley of the Kings. The mummy is now in the British Museum. Pentawer was a prince of the 20th Dynasty of ancient Egypt. He was the son of Pharaoh Ramesses III and his wife, Tiye. Pentawer was part of a plot to overthrow his father and take the throne for himself.

It is said that Pentawer was strangled to death, and his body was mummified and laid to rest in the Valley of the Kings. The exact location of his tomb is still unknown. In fact, The Pentawer Mummy has many mysteries surrounding it. One of the most interesting mysteries is the fact that the mummy’s left arm is missing. This has led some to believe that the arm was removed as a punishment for Pentawer’s involvement in the plot against his father.


Despite the many mysteries surrounding the Pentawer Mummy. In fact, There is no doubt that it is a fascinating piece of ancient Egyptian history. The mummy serves as a reminder of the intrigue and politics that existed in ancient Egypt. And the lengths that some would go to in order to gain power.