SAN AL HAGAR (88km), ancient Djane, later Tanis; although it was inhabited by the Hyksos, it is uncertain if it was the site of their capital. Avans. (WC near the French Mission Resthouse.) This important town mound has been investigated over a number of years. Material from here was removed in 1825 by Drovetti. Between 1860–80 Mariette worked here for the government and in 1886 Petrie for the EEF. The French under Montet excavated here between 1927-55, since when it has remained in the French concession. Its history dates from the Old Kingdom and remains of the 4-6 Dyns have been recovered. In the Middle Kingdom it was an important town and royal statues of the 12-13 Dyns have been found, some usurped by the Hyksos ruler Apopi. Visible remains are of a large Ramesside Temple of Amun, entered through a monumental gateway leading to a forecourt. On the S are the remains of the 21-22 Dyn. Royal Necropolis (closed to the public) discovered by Montet in 1939–40 (objects in the EM).
Beyond Faq’iis the H6 continues NE to (20km) al-~aliJ.J.iyyah, founded in the 13C by Sultan al-~filil}. Ayy’iib to assist pilgrims on the journey to Mecca. Here the road swings S and then E to join the H44 (28km) some distance N of Ismacfliyyah.
al-Qanayat At 16km it is crossed by the H28 (from Mit Ghamr in the N., E. to al-Ibrahimiyyah) and at (15km) Sinbillawayn by the H13 (W. from Aga, E. from Abu Kabir). Beyond Sinbillawayn (15km) is the
village of al-Baqliyyah, to the S. of which are three low mounds marking the site of ancient Ba ‘h, Gk Hermopolis Parva, capital of the 15th nome of Lower Egypt. The northernmost is the Tell al-Naqii.s (Mound of the Bell) which probably indicates the town and the temple dedicated to the god Thoth. An inverted capital lying among the ruins gives the mound its name. Found here was a 26 Dyn. naos dedicated by Apries to Thoth (now in the EM). Another mound, the Tell al-Zereiki (Zirayki),
probably contains the ibis cemetery. Beyond, the H28 continues to Man!?’iirah.
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